Our Sweet Girls

Our Sweet Girls

Friday, December 19, 2008

Our newest family member

Caroline has a little boy in her preschool class that she has become quite fond of. His name is Nick. When I say she is quite fond of him, I mean she refers to him as her boyfriend! She is only 3!!! Well, I guess since she likes Nick so much, she created a "pretend" Nick at home. Yes, she has an imaginary friend named Nick. Nick comes everywhere with us, he eats meals with her, plays in the playroom with her, even bathes with her! In fact, as I am typing she is playing "Nick and Princess" in the playroom. I want to quote her on a few things that she has said when referring to Nick.

John was finishing up her bath one night and he shut the water off and got her out of the tub. She was acting mad at John as he put her pajamas on. John asked, "What's wrong Caroline?" She said, "I am mad at you Daddy, you shut the water off and Nick was still taking his bath!"

Caroline said, "Mommy, can I have a Hershey Kiss?" "Yes, you can" I said. "Can Nick have one too?" Caroline asked. "Sure Caroline" I said. A few seconds later after she ate her Hershey Kiss she said, "Nick told me he isn't hungry, can I have his Hershey Kiss?"

Caroline was playing dress up one day and asked me to take her picture. Of course I said I would. After I took her picture, she asked me to take Nick's picture. I said, "Ok, where is he?" She said, "Over by the steps." I then proceeded to take Nick's picture. Caroline said, " Can I see the picture?" I showed her the camera. "Oh, he looks so cute!" she said. Of course there was nothing in the picture except the banister and steps! :)

Here are the pictures from that day:

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